Do you yearn to know the secret of maintaining vitality and energy even at the age of 70? Well, we’ve got Steve Maxwell, a renowned mentor and coach in physical wellness, who spills the beans on how prioritizing health over business success can serve as a catalyst for wealth, wisdom, and happiness. Indeed, without health, all other ambitions become secondary. Get ready to uncover the importance of investing time and energy into your personal wellbeing and how it lays the foundation for all facets of life.
In today’s show:
- Steve shares his relationship with money, how his upbringing and early experiences have shaped it, and how a simple lifestyle and faith serve as his source of abundance.
- We hear why Steve champions the significance of weight training, high-intensity interval training, and cold exposure for preserving muscle mass and overall health.
- How exerciuse can be affordable
- The real value of treating others well. It’s fascinating how our relationships often mirror our own behavior and attitudes.
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