Category: Financial Planning

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    Cash Flow & Control with Ashley Sowers, Wealth Advisor


    Cash Flow & Control with Ashley Sowers, Wealth Advisor

    On the Way 2 Wealth, we are all about education and making money simple. It’s our mission to help you understand your cash flow and give you control of your finances, and therefore your financial life. Today, we invite one of our team members, Ashley Sowers on the podcast. She grew up with a great appreciation of money and how knowledge gives people the tools to use their money effectively. As she entered the financial field, Ashley knew that she wanted to give people the tools to pursue financial freedom, to help reduce the anxiety and stress that many the full article

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    Credit and Interest Rate Efficiency with Shane Heizer, Wealth Advisor


    Credit and Interest Rate Efficiency with Shane Heizer, Wealth Advisor

    Credit and interest rates are two things we truly need to understand to pursue financial independence. They are two bricks in your foundation. We live in a capitalist society and this means we can use other people’s money to either our benefit or detriment. Shane Heizer, one of our team members at Carson Wealth joins us today to speak about the world of credit. How does it work? How can we use it to our benefit? Are we thinking of interest rates wrong? Banks make money by lending money. A lot of people can use this borrowed money to the full article

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    Legacy and Family Constitution with Rich Christiansen


    Legacy and Family Constitution with Rich Christiansen

    Why do we build wealth? Why do strive for financial independence? It’s for our families. On today’s episode, we are going to speak about strengthening our family structure through values and how this relates to financial planning. Rich Christiansen, joins us to discuss passing on passion and success to the next generation of your family and beyond. He is the founder of dozens of businesses, the author of multiple books, and the father of a family he is teaching to embrace entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and success. We all want what is best for our children. After a life-altering moment in the full article

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    Insurance Maximization with Darron Miller


    Insurance Maximization with Darron Miller

    Without comprehensive insurance coverage, you are putting your money and your life at risk. Unfortunately, a lot of the insurance industry is based on a sales model rather than a strategic planning model. Today’s guest is working to change that while highlighting the importance of maximized insurance when building our wealth. Insurance is risk management. To discuss insurance maximization, Darron Miller with Foundations Insurance joins us. Darron takes a fresh approach to insurance planning when working with his clients. Instead of focusing solely on minimizing premiums, he works on the bigger picture of maximized insurance. When you nickel and the full article

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    Protecting Your Assets with Attorney Andrew Howell


    Protecting Your Assets with Attorney Andrew Howell

    In the Way2Wealth®, a strong foundation is necessary. Two bricks of that foundation are estate planning and asset protection. They are essential to your long-term financial goals, especially beyond your lifetime. We often put off estate planning because it is uncomfortable to speak about. However, it needs to be addressed if we are going to leave a legacy for our families. Asset protection is a critical part of estate planning. How are you protecting your assets and your estate? Is your plan developed in a tax-efficient manner? On today’s episode, we are bringing on attorney, Andrew Howell. He is the full article

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    Tax and Estate Planning with Robert Keebler, CPA®


    Tax and Estate Planning with Robert Keebler, CPA®

     As we continue our discussion on taxes and their role in building our foundation, we want to address tax planning, tax compliance, and estate planning. So, today we invited on Robert Keebler, CPA® and the founder of Keebler and Associates, to discuss this complicated but important topic. Robert’s business is based in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where they serve clients by helping them navigate the world of taxes and estate planning. Tax rules are constantly changing, affecting our family’s future income. Using statutory tax shelters such as a 401(k) or a Roth can be a way to safe way the full article

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    Planning for Taxes with Jeff Socha


    Planning for Taxes with Jeff Socha

    One of the most important factors we need to consider when we are establishing our financial foundation is taxes. They can be one of, if not the largest, expenses that we pay throughout the year. Whether you are a small business entrepreneur or are retired, having an efficient tax strategy is a must when you are on your way to wealth. On the show today, Jeff Socha, the founder of Socha Consulting, is joining us to talk about taxes. We have all felt the anxiety of what we will have to pay when tax season rolls around, but Jeff the full article

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    It Takes a Team ‘2’ Build Wealth with Garrett Gunderson


    It Takes a Team ‘2’ Build Wealth with Garrett Gunderson

    We’ve discussed the ‘Way’ on The Way2Wealth®. Today, we are going to focus on the ‘2’ and exactly what it means to have an efficient team. To help us with our discussion today, we are happy to invite Garrett Gunderson, the founder of the Wealth Factory, on the show. Throughout his career, he has been drawn to helping entrepreneurs with their finances and seeing business owners prosper with a dynamic organization. Growing up in the small town of Price, Utah, Garrett had dreams of entrepreneurship from a young age. He recognized the scarcity mindset within his own family and the full article

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    The ‘Way’ We Approach Money and Life with Bonnie Bailey, CFP®


    The ‘Way’ We Approach Money and Life with Bonnie Bailey, CFP®

    We launched the podcast last episode by sharing the meaning behind the name of the show in order to provide the foundation for where we want to go each week. Today we’re going to drill down a little deeper and discuss the ‘Way’ and what it means in our day-to-day lives. To help us do this, we asked Bonnie Bailey, CFP®, VP of Business Development and Wealth Advisor, to be our guest and share her view on what this means within our company and for our clients. She has an incredible story about how she ended up in this the full article

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    The Meaning Behind The Way2Wealth®


    The Meaning Behind The Way2Wealth®

    Welcome to the podcast. We’re excited to be rolling out the first of many episodes that we’ll use to help better prepare you for retirement by teaching you about the approach we take every day with our clients. Before we get into the specifics of financial and retirement planning, we wanted to set a foundation for the podcast and what you can expect as we move forward. The best way to do that is by giving you some background on our host, Scott Ford, and what The Way2Wealth® idea is all about. As you’ll hear on this debut episode, the full article

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